Artwork Requirements Customer should supply artwork on disk or via email. If artwork supplied requires typesetting, changes, touch-ups, or does not meet Amapeli's Embroidery specifications, we reserve the right to modify the artwork and charge accordingly. Custom artwork will be billed at $60.00 per hour.
Minimum Artwork Charge
We will notify of art charges in excess of $25.00 prior to doing the artwork. Artwork will be sized to your specifications.
Camera-Ready Art Professional black and white mechanical and black mechanicals on high gloss paper make good camera-ready-art. The following are not camera-ready-art: Photocopies, pen and/or pencil drawings, Yellow Page or newspaper ads, business cards, letterheads, and raised thermographic printing. Although we can digitize these, the quality is only as good as the material you supply us with. Amapeli's Embroidery reserves the right to reject any artwork not deemed printable on any item in our catalogs. All artwork on imprinted items is the property of Amapeli's Embroidery. All artwork is kept on file at Amapeli's Embroidery & Design, Inc.
Electronic Art Amapeli's Embroidery accepts artwork created in most professional graphic applications on the PC platform. For multicolor logos, vector art created in Illustrator or CorelDraw is preferred. CorelDraw files should be exported as Adobe Illustrator format (ai) with all text converted to curves. Include all placed image files and any fonts used. A hard copy along with the disk is highly recommended to ensure output match. For single color imprints, scans of camera-ready-art are acceptable as long as the original scanned resolution is at least 300 pixels per inch at actual imprint size. For the photo image process, artwork can be supplied in any of the formats above as well as scanned graphic formats like eps, bmp, tif, and jpg. If the original scanned resolution of the art at actual imprint size is at least 300 pixels per inch. Email art to and be sure to reference the company name and PO#.
Embroidery Disks
For customer supplied disks only .bdf, .dst, or Tajima formats are accepted. Basic changes to layout can be made (i.e. delete or add a section, re-order sections and resize up to 10%). Resizing past 10%, increasing or decreasing in the thickness of specific sections will require a new disk. Please note that customer supplied disks created for specific fabrics may not be compatible. (i.e., previously done on hats may not sew well on shirts). In cases such as these, a new disk may be needed.